Never share your ATM/debit card PIN, Online Banking password or one-time passcode.

Keep Your Home Office Safe and Secure

Woman using a laptop

If you’ve been working from home since the beginning of the Coronavirus crisis, then you probably have a good routine in place to manage a workday packed with Zoom meetings, deadlines and kids learning from home. With the increased virtual activity in your home, securing your workspace is greater than ever.

Here are some tips to keep your work-from-home space secure.

  • Lock it down. If you need to step away from your workspace, make sure to lock your computer just as you would in the office. Move laptops and mobile devices out of sight at the end of the day to keep them physically secure. This is especially important to maintain a healthy work/life balance.
  • Don’t share devices. Avoid using your work dedicated device for personal use or for a child’s digital learning. It may be tempting to place a curbside order or send digital learning assignments, but you might leave yourself open to cybercriminals or worse, leave the door wide open to your company’s network.
  • Strong passwords. Whether for personal or work, make it a habit to create strong passwords to keep your personal information private. Best practices tell us to make your passwords long and include numbers, symbols and uppercase and lowercase letters.
  • Be cyber safe. Scammers are taking advantage of the pandemic by misleading consumers with fraudulent information. Be wary of attachments or embedded links that when clicked on could contain malware that could give criminals access to your personal and financial data.

Read the entire article for more tips and advice.

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Needed Items
To make this process as quick as possible, please have the following ready for yourself and any joint account holders on the account, including beneficiary’s:

  • Social Security Number
  • Date of Birth
  • Current Address
  • Phone Number
  • Email Address
  • Valid ID
  • Requested Loan Amount