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Adjustable Rate Mortgage

What is an ARM Loan?

An Adjustable-Rate Mortgage (ARM) is a loan with a monthly rate that can adjust (go up or down) as the interest rate fluctuates. There are different types of adjustable rate mortgages or – for example: 3/1, 7/1 10/1, or 5/5 to name a few. Initially, most ARMs have a fixed interest rate with variable terms.

What is a 5/5 ARM?
  • The first “5” in a 5/5 ARM means that members will have a fixed rate on their loan for five (5) years.
  • The second “5” in a 5/5 ARM means that the loan rate will adjust only once every five (5) years.
Firstmark Credit Union


New house. Lower mortgage payment. It’s within your reach with an ARM loan!

A 5/5 Adjustable-Rate Mortgage (ARM) offers solutions to lower your current mortgage payment or purchase a new home. Firstmark members can get a new loan product with a fixed interest rate.

What to expect with an ARM loan
  • Lower initial interest rate and monthly payment
  • Save money in the early years
  • Rate adjusts only once every five (5) years for the life of the loan
  • Aggressively pay down your mortgage
Is an ARM loan right for you?
  • You anticipate interest rates may decrease in the near future
  • You plan to sell the property before the full term of the mortgage
  • You anticipate relocating
  • You may be buying for a growing family or downsizing as an empty nester

Calculate Your Payment

Use this calculator to compute the payment amount1 by adjusting the amount, rate, and terms.

$0per month

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